History is the short trudge from Adam to atom. - Leonard Louis Levinson
To disbelieve is easy; to scoff is simple; to have faith is harder. - Louis L'Amour
Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content. - Louis L'Amour
There are, in the affairs of men and nations, inexorable tides from which they cannot remain aloof. - Louis L'Amour
Few of us ever live in the present. We are forever anticipating what is to come or remembering what has gone. - Louis L'Amour
If you’re going to be a writer, the first essential is just to write. Do not wait for an idea. Start writing something and the ideas will come. You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow. - Louis L’Amour
I've a regard for law, although I do not always agree with it. Without law, man becomes a beast. - Louis L'Amour
He's a fine friend. He stabs you in the front. - Leonard Louis Levinson
The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast and you miss all you are traveling for. - Louis L'Amour
A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them. - Leonard Louis Levinson
It is brutal. Only I never could see the sense in having folks look at your tombstone and say, 'He was a man who didn't believe in violence, He's a good man... and dead. - Louis L'Amour
Actually, all education is self-education. A teacher is only a guide, to point out the way, and no school, no matter how excellent, can give you education. What you receive is like the outlines in a child’s coloring book. You must fill in the colors yourself. - Louis L'Amour
For you and me, today is all we have; tomorrow is a mirage that may never become a reality. - Louis L'Amour
Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, their lack of good fortunes or the quirks of fate. Everyone has within them the power to say, "This I am today, that I shall become tomorrow." The wish, however, must be implemented by deeds. - Louis L'Amour
Rassemblons des faits pour nous donner des idées.Let us gather facts in order to get ourselves thinking. - Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
It means little to anybody but us. We set store by kinfolk. We've our troubles from time to time, but when one of us is in danger, there'll be help from any who are around. - Louis L'Amour
A mind, like a home, is furnished by its owner, so if one's life is cold and bare he can blame none but himself. - Louis L'Amour
Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on. - Louis L'Amour